Friday, May 04, 2007


Driving along in good ol o-side today I spotted the second best mullet I have ever seen! Man this thing was looong and super authentic. What a sight.

To capture this beaut I had to put my best hunting skills to use. You see I was driving, so I was already even with him when I had spotted it, and he had already spotted me checkin him out. Off to a bad start... but I have no choice, I must press on and add this one to my collection. So I anticipated correctly that he was going to continue walking forward and not make any turns. So I quickly pull off the side of the road, and pretend like I'm taking photos of the beautiful picturesque apartments in front of me. Wait wait wait wait, he moves into frame... snap snap... I only got 2 quick shots off before it was way too obvious that I was totally sniping him out with my digimon. And when he was passing by he totally checked me out with a confused look why I might be taking his photo, but thanks to my mad hunting skills I continued snapping pics and played it off like I was a real estate agent taking pics for the apartments "for sale" website. Oh ya, I'm that good.
Only regret is not having my nice big Canon camera with a 200mm lens. Man that would have been great.

Anyway, here it is, in all it's glory! Add that one to the collection!


Blogger Tim Halberg said...

I just don't have the balls to be a mullet hunter!!! NICE!

5/04/2007 9:37 PM  
Blogger zo said...

Blaine hunting with Digimon.......hey why dont you go and hunt a grizzly with a .22 eh? hahahahahaha. Dude instead of being the 2nd crocodile hunter you should be the Ultimate Mullet Hunter. have someone folow you around with a video camera and you can be like "CRIKEY!!! This is one of the most fearsome mullets in all the world. Once full grown the mullet is a fully sentient granting its wearer a sith sense if you will and the hairs of the mullet can also attack its prey should it feel threatened. There are documented cases of mullets of this size tearing hunters limb from limb without mercy" All of it done with thick Australian accent........but then again you would probably be diving one day and get killed by Sting Ray Mullet and that would be no bueno. I love the second shot where the mullet alerts it master of your presence.............*blaine angers mullet* *mullet prepares to attack* *blaine pees his pant* hahahaha

5/06/2007 1:13 AM  
Blogger JP Jespersen said...

I want to know what happened after the eye contact shot.. did he say anything to you? did you make up some excuse like you are photographing the building? or did you straight up say - nice mullet, I had to take a photo.


5/07/2007 8:22 PM  
Blogger blaine said...

Good question JP...
He definitely checked me out but I'm positive he didn't realize I was capturing the essence of his mullet. Most dudes with mullets like this are totally oblivious to me taking photos of them. But you have to play it right. I never looked him in the eyes when he was looking at me, and I pretended to be taking photos of the building while he was looking at me... So for all he knew, I never even noticed him or his mullet.

Little does he know that his lovely mullet is now the star of this blog post for all of our mullet viewing enjoyment... :)

5/12/2007 1:39 AM  
Blogger Sarah McAllister said...

WOW!!!! Did you happen to get his number Blaine?!?!?! Seriously!!?!?!? Cause that mullet is quite possibly the most attractive thing I've ever seen in my entire life!!!! Feel the power of the phantom mullet!!!! YES!!!!!

5/14/2007 2:10 PM  

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