Monday, February 26, 2007

i'm puzzled...

So I have never seen this before in my whole life... but the past 2 times I have filled the ice tray with water to make ice cubes, something quite phenomenal happens. I check it in the morning and on almost every cube there is a line of ice rising above the cube about 1-2 inches tall!! What the heck!? How does that happen!?

Bethany has a theory but I kinda think it's a load of crap... haha. Please share your thoughts with a comment!

Edit 3-6: My buddy Lorenzo has found the answer! Check it out HERE


Blogger AVG said...

I you're water has a lot of iron in it, but not normal iron. It's gotta be the iron that the bad terminator was made out of on T2... the kind that can transform into anything. And once you shut the door, the little terminator in your water is trying to get out, but can't quite manage it before it gets frozen in the ice cube.

2/27/2007 3:38 PM  
Blogger zo said...

hahahahahahah that has to be the greatest explanation ever!!! its a conspiracy i tells ya.......maybe you are some great military leader in the future blaine where machines rule the world. unlike the movies though the machines dont send machines back through time to kill you they just contaminate your water supply in hopes that one of those little spike things will impale you in the eye...........hmmmmmm yes everything is comming together now

2/27/2007 6:55 PM  
Blogger Vanessa said...

your water has a lot of bacteria, and before it fully freezes, the bacteria multiplies, growing in the form of a tower of ice, rising above the cube

3/04/2007 8:37 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

My buddy Lorenzo has found the answer! Check it out HERE

3/06/2007 12:10 PM  
Blogger AmyJune said...

That's so crazy! How random that distilled water would do that.

3/07/2007 10:31 AM  
Blogger Paige Kearin said...

I think that its a sign from God saying that even during "cold" times, your will rise above the rest. Ha, ha, ha. (ok I know that's really cheesy)

3/08/2007 2:54 PM  
Blogger Deyl said...

(in response to your question)...

usually my index finger...i think i was holding it weird because i didn't want it to fall off the chair lift :)

3/16/2007 4:39 PM  

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