Thursday, May 24, 2007

The original "what the heck is it"

For any of you that have been following this blog for any amount of time, you know about my little "what the heck is it?" series. Its fun, I enjoy it, but I've been slacking on it recently. I've been going through a bunch of old stuff today and I came upon this old print. About 4 years ago at Brooks I was playing around with a big ol' large format scanning back camera and came up with this photo. Whenever I showed the print to friends they all responded "What the heck is it?" So here you have it, the original "What the heck is it?"!

If you have already seen this and know what the heck it is, then don't ruin it for everyone and give away the answer! If you don't know what it is, whats the first thing that came to mind??? I'm curious to know! Leave comments...


Blogger Seth McAllister said...

I think it is the bottom of a mushroom or some plant.

5/24/2007 9:33 PM  
Blogger Stephen Abbas said...

It is my favorite pick up line. "Let me see those bellows."

5/24/2007 9:39 PM  
Blogger blaine said...

seth- noooope.

steebo- haha. gotta love those brooks pickup lines. you definitely know what this is since we were roomies when i took it, i think...?

5/25/2007 4:31 AM  
Blogger Munk said...

It looks like an open book...with weird lighting...

5/30/2007 1:22 AM  
Blogger Tim Halberg said...

so... did Stephen give it away with is pickup line??

5/31/2007 10:51 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

nope stephen did not give it away with the bellows pickup line... nobody has come even close yet...

When you find out what it is, your gonna be like, Wow, can't believe I didn't guess that!

I need some more guesses here!

6/02/2007 12:12 PM  
Blogger June said...

it's not a mushroom....
it's not a book....
it's not bellows....

give us some clues Blainer.

Is it a fan?

6/06/2007 6:07 PM  
Blogger eightyone81 said...

It is a finger that emits rays to tell people on Vesuvius (which is a planet 40,000 light years away that parallels our time minus 150) that we figured out how to destroy our planet by overthrowing the laws of evolution. The picture was taken with a special long range infrared camera that images light in the 800K plus wave length. It is quite fantastic!

6/13/2007 9:37 PM  
Blogger SuperTramp said...

I know what it is. Should I not say becuase i remember from before when you had it out.

6/14/2007 11:50 AM  
Blogger David Michael Esler said...

I'm with supertramp on this one. Didn't you take this one when we were roomates? I'm trying to think if 'it' was yours, or if you borrowed it from me or Steebo.

6/15/2007 7:10 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

Yup David I took it while we were roomates. Remember I had the print and I'd bring it around asking people to guess what it was. People enjoyed it.

Ok another clue that was sparked by David's comment:

I bought "it" at Restoration Hardware in Santa Barbara for $5!

6/15/2007 8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like some kind of air/ dust filter

6/15/2007 2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It looks like the side view of a book to me.

6/15/2007 3:21 PM  
Blogger Dumbnutt said...

It looks like the side view of a book to me.
sorry if this posted twice...

6/15/2007 3:25 PM  
Blogger Dumbnutt said...

This post has been removed by a blog administrator.

6/15/2007 3:28 PM  
Blogger blaine said...

Someone finally got it!!! He knows my brother and my brother knows what it is from a long time ago... so I'm gonna have to verify this before I publish his comment! Haha.

Stakes are high!!!

6/16/2007 9:16 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

Ok so my brothers friend named Daniel Pullman guessed it right and he didn't cheat and ask my bother! Blogger won't let me publish the comment for some strange reason... so here it is:

OH OH it's a SLINKEY!!!

So there you go... it's a SLINKY! If your still confused, the red is not part of the slinky, it's just the background.

Now I need to figure out what his prize is! :)

6/17/2007 11:48 PM  
Blogger eightyone81 said...

I am from Europe so knowing that it is a "slinky" leaves me exactly where I was before I knew it was a "slinky"?!?

6/19/2007 4:40 PM  
Blogger blaine said...


They don't have slinky's in Europe!?

6/20/2007 2:45 AM  

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