another couple of shots to add to the "nasty looking food but sooo good" collection. ya i know it's weird. i explained my little habit a while back here

The adventures of Blaine Franger portrayed in words, photos, and the occasional video
is that the guacamole from the super bowl party? mmmmmmmmm guacamole......
sure is! that stuff was goooood. and there was so much of it! seriously... how often is ther actually EXTRA guacamole at a superbowl party! it's usually the first thing devoured within seconds!
for real man, thats the worst too when you have the random pile of chips left on your plate and you think to yourself "ah need more guacamole!!!" and when you go get it DUN DUN DUUUUUNNN!!!!! the bowl is empty. its at that point that you cry and you dont know what to do with the left over chips cus you cant eat them plain cus thats just not how its supposed to be. that party though.....mmmmm abundance of guac, they brought like the whole tree!!!! excellent..........
i'm only going to say this one. napoleon dynamite.
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