Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Rangefinder Magazine Cover and Feature Article

Check out Novembers issue of Rangefinder Magazine... I have the cover photo, and they also did a feature on me for the first ever "young guns" issue. Sweet!

Jennifer Chen, Associate Editor, says:
"Brooks graduate Blaine Franger is a daring photographer who takes the mundane— like streets and trees—and transforms it into extraordinary captures. His image of groomsmen jumping in exuberance against a screaming yellow wall exudes off-kilter charm, only enhanced by the fact that the wall is the side of a muffler shop. Take a moment and look at the world of photography through the eyes of the next generation."

A PDF of the feature is available HERE
The printed magazine is shipping out this week. It is distributed to industry professionals and camera stores all around the world, but I don't think it's available on newsstands.

Here is the front page of the Rangefinder website-

Lastly, I've been working with a couple talented web designers to totally re-do my website which is embarrassingly outdated... We put up a new splash page today and we're hoping the new website will be done within 3-4 weeks!

Let me know what you think about the article! Is anyone going to actually bother reading it!? :)


Blogger Ellis Lloyd said...

Once again congrats on the well deserved recognition Blaine! I look forward to receiving my issue in the mail (hopefully this week!).

All the best,

11/12/2008 9:34 AM  
Blogger JP Jespersen said...

No Way. My buddie Charlie Cho had the cover last month or the month before with his night photography and now you.

11/12/2008 11:06 AM  
Blogger Munk said...

Congratulations Blaine. That's great. I've always thought that your pictures are some of the most amazing that I've ever seen.

11/12/2008 5:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Blaine! Much deserved. Now pray for snow.

_Robb Perry

11/12/2008 5:49 PM  
Anonymous amoslanka said...


11/12/2008 11:48 PM  
Anonymous Ryan Cardone said...

Great article, awesome cover shot!!!!

CONGRATS...looking forward to the new site.

11/13/2008 9:07 AM  
Blogger STEVE DePINO said...

Just got my copy congrats!!!!!

11/13/2008 1:04 PM  
Blogger Bill said...

It is hard to imagine a better article. We are so proud! Love, Michigan Dad

11/14/2008 4:06 AM  
Blogger amancay said...

I swear I worte a comment before.. stranger things have happened...

anywho, I ACTUALLY read the article! good stuffs, very nice... so glad you got such recognition Blaine, you guys rock at what you're doing and deserve the best, many blessings!

11/14/2008 9:28 AM  
Blogger Kevin Keith said...

Blaine, you seriously ROCK! I can't wait to read the article. To say that you were my roommate and now a good friend is so cool to me. You are one of the best photographers I know! Congratulations!

11/15/2008 2:08 PM  
Blogger lisa page said...

What a great article -- and photographer! I'm so proud of you. It's amazing how far you've come since the days of snowboard team and BCS. And it's great that your photo-mentoring more Hood Riverians. :) Thanks for sharing your passion with us all.

11/16/2008 8:00 PM  
Blogger Rnormfoto said...

good for you!!!!! I will certainly read it!!!!!

11/17/2008 7:27 AM  

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