Friday, October 17, 2008

campfire with bethany

Today was so gorgeous in Hood River, sunny and high 60's! It kinda felt like a bonus day of nice weather because it's already getting cold, especially at night. Bethany and I are catching up on lots of work so the day was spent inside the office, but around sunset time I talked Bethany into hopping on my motorcycle and cruising up some dirt roads to take in a nice warm sunset. The sunset wasn't spectacular but the magic hour light afterward sure was!
I built a little campfire for something to do and we both sat there and poked it with sticks for a good hour or two. It's funny how campfires are so amusing and anyone can stare blankly at it for hours and never get bored.
I shot a few photos with the self timer of us two and my beautiful dirt bike. Kinda looks like a Honda Ad eh?


Blogger Munk said...

Looks amazing! Is this the campfire ring referred to early, that's up Post canyon?

10/17/2008 11:47 PM  
Blogger Ellis Lloyd said...

Wish my campfire photos came out this good. Those clouds must have been moving pretty quick. Thanks for sharing it!

10/19/2008 11:26 PM  
Blogger blaine said...

yep this was up on post canyon... same place as i mentioned earlier.

the clouds were in fact moving pretty quickly. this was actually a 30 second exposure, we stayed really still!

10/20/2008 12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

amazing picture-only another photographer completely understands "don't move!"

miss you guys!


10/20/2008 5:31 PM  

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