Thursday, February 16, 2006

UpperCut Images

Today was a big day for my business because a collection of my stock images was posted with the stock agency UpperCut Images. You can view my images by visiting the website and searching "Blaine Franger" or just click on this link. I recommend setting it to 100 images per page, that way there is only 2 pages to load. Also, if you register to the site, you can view the images larger and without a watermark logo. It's quick, easy, and free.

If your reading this right now and happen to work for Getty Images or Corbis, I've got thousands more images that need a home! Contact me!


Blogger Amy June said...

Blaine the look A MAZE ING!!!

2/16/2006 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Nice work. The shots look great, but just one thing. Who is the guy with the nice legs in this shot? BLA01126

2/16/2006 5:53 PM  
Blogger blaine said...

Those are my buddy Seth's nice legs. Who are you, and I'm curious why you ask?

2/16/2006 7:52 PM  

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