Monday, January 30, 2006

more new photos

These are a few photos from my recent trip to the Northwest...

Vancouver, WA

Troutdale, OR

Hood River, OR

San Francisco, CA (from Treasure Island)


Blogger David Kleinert said...

Fantastic images! Love the top one most, great colours and awesome composition..nice work..cheers

1/31/2006 3:37 PM  
Blogger David Kleinert said...

Hi Blaine - really enjoy looking throuh your images! Have added a link to your site on mine and put you as a favourite @! cheers mate

2/01/2006 3:44 AM  
Blogger Amy June said...

Blaine these shots are sick!! I especially love the first one...I'll definetly be getting one of those when I get married ;o)

2/02/2006 9:17 AM  
Blogger pierre said...

Your photos are stunning, unique. Fascinating colors!

2/07/2006 9:07 PM  
Blogger Ali said...

You simply cannot take a bad picture can you? Great work!

2/08/2006 11:42 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

O trust me I have plenty of bad photos! You guys only see the good ones though!

I like the saying- "The difference between a good photographer and a bad photographer is that a good photographer doesn't show anyone his bad pictures"

2/09/2006 12:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I assent to but I about the post should have more info then it has.

12/26/2009 9:27 AM  

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