Tuesday, December 20, 2005

2 blogs, business and personal

I just wanted to let you know, from now on this blog will be primarily a photo and news blog for Blaine Franger Photography. I will do my best to keep it consistently updated with new photos and content.

Also, I started a more personal blog called "Thoughts and Snapshots" that you might want to check out. I will be posting my snapshots on that blog along with random stories and adventures from my life. You can click here or use the link under "My Websites" on the right side of this page.



Blogger Ana Gabriela said...

Do you use a Canon camera?
Which one?

12/20/2005 10:28 AM  
Blogger blaine said...

Right now I use Nikon Cameras (F5 and D100) but will soon be switching to Canon. I've got my eyes on the new 5d, looks like a great camera!

12/20/2005 10:54 AM  
Blogger Ana Gabriela said...

I agree... here in Panama they're sooooo expensive. well at least for my budget hehehe. Canon 5D have not arrived yet, but i've seen it on the internet. the 20D is around $1,700 and i've seen it in the states for around $1,000.
For christmas I expect to have at least Rebel Digital XT yeyyyy! God knows my wishlist anyways hahaha... Merry Christmas to you too!

12/21/2005 4:45 AM  

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