Thursday, April 09, 2009

What rental Jeeps are made for

Bethany and I are in Hawaii now. We had back to back destination weddings, so that has been fun. :)
Last weeks wedding was in Riviera Maya, Mexico and this weekends wedding was in Hawaii. You can check out both of the slideshows here:

Whenever we have a destination wedding we like to extend the trip so we can explore on our own too. The first 4 days in Hawaii we rented a bright blue PT Cruiser which was fine because we were busy with the wedding, so only had to drive on the roads. But on Monday I switched it out for a 4x4 Jeep Wrangler... now thats what I'm talkin about! This thing is pretty much unstoppable. Awesome.

I conned Bethany into taking some photos of me having some fun... so here are a few. More to come later... videos too!

Oh ya... When I asked the rental company about taking the Jeep offroad, they said- "The contract says your not supposed to, but we know everyone does! So basically if it breaks down, you're on your own."
Sounds like a green light to me. :)


Blogger Lindsey Franger said...

holy cow...did your feet get wet?


you're = you are
your = second person possessive pronoun

Have fun!

4/09/2009 4:31 PM  
OpenID brockmaudlin said...

These are great! I love jeeps. This looked like a blasty blast!! It's what rentals are for :)

4/09/2009 5:03 PM  
Blogger Ellis Lloyd said...

That's when it becomes a great idea to buy their $10 daily insurance plan, lol. Looks like great fun!

4/09/2009 10:19 PM  
Anonymous Chad Riley said...

yeahhhhhhhhh!!! Always need to session rentals. Push the limits of the motor industry to put better rentals on the streets!

4/10/2009 10:37 AM  
Blogger NATHAN_NICE said...

what cam, lens are u shooting?


beautiful photography.

4/10/2009 7:25 PM  
Blogger Rnormfoto said...

now THAT'S a rental!!! woo-hoo!!!!!

4/11/2009 9:48 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

Hi Blaine! Are the photos of you driving through the steam from the Waipio Valley on the Big Island? If not, it looks a lot like it! If you haven't been there, you should check it out next time you're in Hawaii. Jenna and I backpacked from there into the next valley over (Waimanu) in August. Gorgeous!

4/15/2009 8:31 AM  

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