Thursday, June 14, 2007

Road trip to Berkeley

Bethany and I are on a road trip with my parents... it's been fun so far! Were driving from Hood River to Berkeley for a friends wedding that is later today.

Last night I was taking a photo of the gas station and my Mom jumped in front of the camera... so I couldn't resist posting it to embarrass her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Blaine! It's your cousin Carol. I've been reading your awesome blog for a few months now and have been meaning to email you... anyway, if you have some free time while you're in Berkeley, you should come visit us! Email me: cfranger at gmail dot com.

6/14/2007 10:57 AM  
Blogger eightyone81 said...

Hey Blaine!

check out my posting about Canon 5D problems on my blog and let me know if you have any idea what it could be. Or take it as a precaution when shooting with strobes!


6/14/2007 11:44 AM  
Blogger SuperTramp said...

I think she is beautiful!

6/14/2007 11:52 AM  
Blogger Mike Matas said...

Hey, let me know if you make it over to SF. We should go shooting.

6/15/2007 1:09 AM  
Blogger Lindsey said...

I wish I could have come with you guys!!!

6/15/2007 8:29 AM  
Anonymous Mark & Donna Bergh said...

Blaine -
Thanks to you and Bethany for coming out to Shauna's Wedding; Nothing in the world is better than Franger Family Presence!
Post some PIX, Dude!!

Mark & Donna

6/17/2007 11:16 AM  

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