Tuesday, August 11, 2009

First photos from my deck!

Last night was so beautiful! Amazing clouds, moon, stars, warmth and even a couple shooting stars! I was up late until 4AM editing photos in the office but I set up my camera on the deck to take a few star shots with Mt. Underwood. A couple pics-

I went to bed at 4AM and was awaken at 6AM with this bright pink glow coming though the blinds, and I had to get up and check it out! Strolled out to the deck, took a few photos in my boxers while mostly asleep, then stumbled back into bed and slept till 9:30AM. :)

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Blogger Denise Rehse Watson - photographer said...

wow, now THAT is some imagery worth waking up for! beautiful captures...consider me your newest fan!

8/12/2009 2:47 PM  
Anonymous willa Kveta said...

These images are gorgeous! I love the way you captured the stars!!!

8/12/2009 11:36 PM  
Blogger Ellis Lloyd said...

Great stuff as always Blaine!

8/14/2009 12:53 PM  
Anonymous alex.kruk photography said...

WOW !!! WOW ! WOW ! So beautiful. These poictures are gorgeous!

8/14/2009 10:07 PM  
Blogger Joy and Brian Barker said...

You are an amazing photographer... looking at your work always makes me want to do more photography :)

8/19/2009 7:02 PM  
Blogger Andrew Hyslop said...

From your deck? I am going to quit doing star picts and just look at yours if that's cool.

8/20/2009 10:14 PM  
Blogger mr. Tim said...

Great colors captured in the sunset. I love the star trails!

9/11/2009 11:51 PM  

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